Saint George's has 48 stained glass
windows in the narthex, chancel and
nave of the church. To read
more about a particular window or
view a larger picture, click on one
of the thumbnails below. When
these pages are complete they will
include an historic background of
the scene, biographical information
about the subject of the window,
notes on the symbolism portrayed in
the window, and questions for
personal reflection.
For a virtual tour of the entire
collection, begin with
the Augustine of Hippo window and
follow select "next window" at the
end of each text.
Nave is the main part of the
interior of the church. - The
Great South Wall tells the
story of the church organized
chronologically by date of death
(beginning of life in heaven -
their entrance into the "greater
communion of saints), these windows
move through the history of
Anglicanism and the Episcopal
Church in the United States.
South Side of the Nave:
of Hippo
Late have I loved you, O Beauty
so ancient and so new; late have
I loved you; for you were within
me, and I was outside; I sought
you outside and my ugliness fell
on those lovely things that you
had made. You were with me, and
I was not with you. I was kept
from you by those things, yet
had they not been in you, they
would not have been at all. You
called and cried to me to unstop
my deaf ears: you sent forth
the beams of your love to shine
on me and heal my blindness:
you wafted perfumes on me; I
breathed them in and now I long
for you: I tasted you, and now
I hunger and thirst for you:
you touched me, and now I burn
for your peace.
of Ireland
I arise today
Through the strength of heaven:
Light of sun, radiance of moon,
Splendor of fire, speed of
Swiftness of wind, depth of sea,
Stability of earth, firmness of
rock. . .
I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the
invocation of the Trinity,
Through belief in the threeness,
Through confession of the
Of the Creator of Creation.
from St. Patrick's Breastplate,
7th cent.
How the Irish Saved
Civilization, pp. 116-119 |
of Nursia
Listen, child of God… Attend to
the message you hear and make
sure it pierces to your heart,
so that you may accept with
willing freedom and fulfill by
the way you live, the directions
that have come from your loving
Father. It is not easy to
accept and persevere in
obedience, but it is the way of
return to Christ…. [Follow him]
through taking to yourself that
strong and blessed armor of
obedience which he made his own
on coming into our world.
Benedict, Prologue in St.
Benedict’s Rule: A New
Translation for Today, trans.
Patrick Barry, OSB (York,
England: Ampleforth Abbey Press,
1997). |
of Canterbury
“Let not the toil of the journey
nor the tongues of men
predicting evil deter you. But
with all earnestness and zeal
finish what, by God’s direction,
you have begun—knowing that a
great labor is followed by a
greater glory of eternal
Gregory the Great, letter to
Augustine (from booklet, p. 12) |
of Whitby
All who knew
Abbess Hilda, the handmaid of
Christ, called her mother
because of her wonderful
devotion and grace. She was not
only an example of holy life to
members of her own community;
she also brought about an
opportunity for salvation and
repentance to many living at a
distance, who heard the
inspiring story of her industry
and goodness.
from a reading from The History
of the English Church and
People, by the Venerable Bede,
from Celebrating the Saints, p.
413 |
of Scotland
“O my children, fear the Lord;
for they that fear Him shall not
want anything that is good; and
if you love Him, He will give
you, my darlings, prosperity in
this life and eternal felicity
with all the saints.”
Margaret of Scotland, as
quoted in The Life and Wisdom of
Margaret of Scotland, by Lavinia
Byrne (p. 59) |
of Assisi
Praise God, all of you his
servants, and you that fear him,
both small and great.
Let us praise and exalt him
above all forever.
Let heaven and earth praise his
And every creature that is in
heaven, and on earth, and under
the earth.
Let us praise and exalt him
above all forever.
from “The Praises of the
Trinity,” from 2000 Years of
Prayer, pp. 141-2. |
of Russia
My brethren, I desired to dwell
alone in the wilderness and,
furthermore, to die in this
place. If it be God’s will that
there shall be a monastery in
this place, and that many
brethren will be gathered here,
then may God’s holy will be
done. I welcome you with joy,
but let each one of you build
himself a cell. Furthermore,
let it be known unto you, if you
come to dwell in the wilderness,
the beginning of righteousness
is the fear of the Lord.”
Sergius, from A Treasury of
Russian Spirituality, p. 61 |
of Norwich
"Wouldst thou learn the Lord's
meaning in this thing? Learn it
well. Love was his meaning. Who
showed it thee? Love. What
showed he thee? Love. Wherefore
showed it he? For Love. Hold
thee therein and thou shalt
learn and know more in the
(LFF p. 224) |
of Arc
"I am sent by God. I have
nothing more to do here. Send me
back to God, from whom I came."
spoken by Joan at her trial
(from Joan of Arc, by Maurice
Boutet de Monvel) |
[Prayer] is the first thing
wherewith a righteous life
beginneth, and the last
wherewith it doth end. The
knowledge is small which we have
on earth concerning things that
are done in heaven.
Notwithstanding thus much we
know even of Saints in heaven
that they pray. And therefore
prayer being a work common to
the Church in heaven as on
earth, a work common unto men
with Angels, what should we
think but that so much of our
lives is celestial and divine as
we spend in the exercise of
Laws, Book V, Ch23.1
(p.111,l.1-19) (paraphrased) |
Lord, teach thy people to
love thy house best of all
dwellings, thy scriptures best
of all books, thy sacraments
best of all gifts, the communion
of saints best of all company:
and that we may as one family
and in one place give thanks and
adore thy glory, help us to keep
always thy day, the first of
days, holy for thee, our Maker,
our Resurrection, and our Life,
God blessed for ever. Amen.
(2000 Years of Prayer, p. 237-8) |
can it be that I should gain
An interest in the Saviour's
Died he for me, who caused his
For me, who him to death
Amazing love! how can it be
That thou, my God, shouldst die
for me? ...
Charles Wesley (2000 Years of
Prayer, p. 317) |
"Increase, O God, my willingness
to spend my life, as well as
strength, in thy service. To
this end, preserve to me, I
beseech Thee, if it be thy
blessed will, my health and
understanding, that while I live
I may be useful to thy people."
Samuel Seabury, July 15, 1791
(from "Journal B," as quoted in
Samuel Seabury: A Bicentennial
Biography, by Anne W. Rowthorn,
The Seabury Press, New York, NY,
1983, p. 103.)
"The history of the world
shows us, that the deliverance
of the children of Israel from
their bondage, is not the only
instance, in which it has
pleased God to appear in behalf
of oppressed and distressed
nations, as the deliverer of the
innocent, and of those who call
upon his name. He is as
unchangeable in his nature and
character, as he is in his
wisdom and power. The great and
blessed event, which we have
this day met to celebrate, is a
striking proof, that the God of
heaven and earth is the same
yesterday, and today, and for
from A
Thanksgiving Sermon, Preached
January 1, 1808, in St.
Thomas's, or The African
Episcopal, Church, Philadelphia:
on account of the Abolition of
the African Slave Trade on that
day, by the Congress of the
United States, by Absalom Jones,
rector of the said church.
Philadelphia: Printed for the
use of the Congregation. Fry and Kammerrer, Printers, 1808.
Afro-American History Series,
Maxwell Whiteman, ed., Historic
Publication No. 222. Historic
Publications, Philadelphia, PA,
reprinted 1969. pp. 10-11.
"When I consider the vast
population in the west of our
country, a population every day
increasing; I cannot but feel
the awful responsibility of our
present charge, and am incited
devoutly to implore the special
direction of the Heavenly Will,
that all our inceptive steps may
promote the Kingdom of the
Philander Chase, "A Plea for the
West," p. 8
all know me. You remember when I
led you out to war I went first
and what I told you was true.
Now, I have been away to the
East and I have learned about
another Captain, the Lord Jesus
Christ, and He is my leader. He
goes first, and all He tells me
is true. I come back to my
people to tell you to go with me
now on this new road, a war that
makes all for peace, and where
we [ever] have only victory.
David Oakerhater, as quoted by
Owanah Anderson in 400 Years:
Anglican/Episcopal Mission Among
American Indians, p. 155
have sat in this chair for over
twenty years. It seemed very
hard at first. But God knew
best. He kept me for the work
for which I am best fitted."
Samuel Schereschewsky, as quoted
in Apostle of China, page 254.
Nightingale"Now I
know what it is to live and to
love life, I wish for no other
earth, no other world but this."
Florence Nightingale, during
her stay at Kaiserwerth
Hospital, as quoted in
Florence Nightingale, by
Donna Shore, p. 50
Lewis"You are - as
you used to call it in the
Shadowlands - dead. The term is
over: the holidays have begun.
The dream is ended: this is the
morning. And as He spoke He no
longer looked to them as a lion;
but the things that began to
happen after that were so great
and beautiful that I cannot
write them. And for us this is
the end of all the stories, and
we can most truly say that they
all lived happily ever after.
But for them it was only the
beginning of the real story. All
their life in this world and all
their adventures in Narnia had
only been the cover and the
title page: now at last they
were beginning Chapter One of
the Great Story which no one on
earth has read: which goes on
forever: in which every chapter
is better than the one before."
C. S. Lewis, The Last Battle,
p. 172
Li Tim-Oi
“I am here. Please send me.”
-- Prayer
of Florence Li Tim Oi |
of Saints
Who are these like stars
These, before God’s throne who
Each a golden crown is wearing;
Who are all this glorious band?
Alleluia! Hark, they sing,
Praising loud their heavenly
Who are
these of dazzling brightness,
These in God’s own truth
Clad in robes of purest
Robes whose luster ne’er shall
Ne’er be touched by time’s rude
Whence comes all this glorious
These are
they who have contended
For their Savior’s honor long,
Wrestling on till life was
Following not the sinful throng;
Those, who well the fight
Triumph by the Lamb have
Heinrich Schenck (1656-1727)
Tr. Frances Elizabeth Cox
(1812-1897) |
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