Saint George April 23rd
The Story of St. George and the Dragon:
The King of Selene, a city in Libya,
had one daughter, named Cleodolinda.
Cleodolinda was a sweet maid, moving
gently, and thinking gentle thoughts. Her
form was fair, her eyes were clear and
lustrous, and her heart was pure. She was
as sweet as a summer morning, and as
brave as a winter sun. Wherever she went
she was welcome, for she carried joy with
her. It seemed as if the earth were
fairer where her shadow fell.
The King loved this Princess with a
love that filled his whole heart with
gladness. He knew her thoughts, felt her
emotions, and shared her griefs. She was
dearer to him than aught else in the
When Cleodolinda was fourteen years of
age, the King thought he had never seen
anything more beautiful than she. On that
day he said to one of his courtiers: "Of
all men on earth I am most happy. My
country is at peace, the Queen my consort
is amiable, and my daughter is as fair as
she is good. I have nothing left to
desire." The courtier replied: "Sire, so
gracious a monarch deserves only
happiness." But as the words were spoken
a shadow fell, none knew whence, and
encircled the King. And looking upon it,
he replied, though fearing nothing:
"There is none so gracious that grief may
not fall upon him, and I know not why I
have been more blest than other men."
That night, as the watchman went round
the walls of Selene, he felt upon the air
a most poisonous vapour that came from
without the walls. And even as he
wondered, the fumes of the poison became
too much for him, and he fell over, and
in a little time expired.
Now he had not long been lying there
when a knight passed that way, and he had
gone but a short distance beyond the spot
where the body of the watchman lay, when
he felt upon the air an odour most subtle
and unpleasant. And it seemed to him that
it came from without the city walls,
where lay bogs and marshes and damp
grounds. But even as the thought passed
through his brain, the poisonous fumes
became too much for him, and he, too,
fell to the ground.
And in the morning another watchman,
making his round, found his fellow dead
beside the city wall, and, a little
distance from him, the dead knight. And
upon the air was a faint odour that was
unpleasant to the nostrils.
Then the watchman scaled the wall,
and, having glanced over, he perceived a
huge beast which crawled away from the
city and toward the marshes. As it
crawled it flapped two great black wings,
and from its nostrils belched out a black
flame which contained those poisonous
fumes of which the watchman felt the
trace. Its body was covered with scales,
so strong and smooth that they were like
a knight's armour; and in shape it was
half crawling beast, half loathsome bird.
As the watchman observed it, the dragon
crawled into the farther part of the
marshes, and lay still.
Then the watchman hurried him to those
in authority to report this affair; and
when the matter came to the King's ears,
he was greatly disturbed, for he
remembered the shadow that had fallen
upon him, and, despite himself, he was
filled with fears. Yet the fears were not
for his own safety. And he roused himself
to give orders that none should go
outside the city walls till the dragon
had gone back whence it came.
So the long day through no man went
outside the city walls, but many
adventurous persons, having gained a
perch upon the walls, observed the
dragon, which had come into the sunlight,
and could be seen lying there.
These saw when, in the evening, the
dragon roused itself, and rolling over
its loathsome body, started to crawl
toward the city. It crawled on four
twisted feet, and pushed itself with its
wings; and its eyes shone like red
flames. As this vile creature approached,
the people were afraid, and retreated
into the city, for they knew not for what
purpose the dragon came. When it had
reached the gates of the city, it took up
a position close to them; and from its
nostrils it poured terrible fumes, so
that the people were like to die.
Then the King called together his
knights, and one, who was braver than any
other, declared that he would discover
from the dragon its purpose in so
haunting the city. And having entreated
the dragon to cease casting out its
poison while he spake with it, he
approached and asked for what purpose it
had come to the gates of Selene.
The dragon replied, by signs and
hoarse noises, that it would only depart
from the city gates and cease troubling
the people of Selene with its poison, if
it were granted a meal of two sheep a
When the King heard of this reply, he
ordered that two sheep should be set
aside every day for the dragon, and put
without the city walls. And when the
dragon had on that day received two
sheep, it devoured them, and crawled back
to its lair.
But it remained in the marshes, and
not far from the city, so that none might
enter the city or come out of it for fear
of the dragon. And every day it roused
itself, and crawled to the gates to
receive its meal of two sheep.

But after a time the sheep became few
in number, so that there would not long
be enough to feed the dragon; and the
people were possessed with fear.
Then came to the King the bravest
knights of Selene, praying him that he
would allow them to go out and do battle
with the dragon. "For the sheep are few
in number," said they; "and what is to be
the fate of the people of Selene when
they have nothing with which to feed the
The King replied: "My brave knights, I
fear me that ye go to your deaths. Yet
can I neither forbid nor dissuade ye, for
the fate of my people lies heavy on my
heart." Having so spoken he became
silent, for the foreboding was upon him
that darker trouble was to come upon the
people of Selene.
Then went out the knights to do battle
with the dragon. And when it perceived
them issue from the city gates, it
forsook its lair and ran toward them with
a most incredible speed, resting partly
upon its body, and partly upon its wings.
And, having come near, it fell upon them,
breathing out its terrible poison, and
lashing them with its wings. And, since
the knights could neither pierce the
scales with which its body was covered,
nor stun the creature with the hardest
blow, they were speedily overcome by the
fumes that emanated from it. And they
perished, one and all.
Then there was weeping in Selene for
the fate of the bravest of her knights.
And while the people wept, they trembled,
for the sheep that remained were few.
When there was no longer one left to
offer to the dragon, it lay again by the
city gates, and threw its poison into the
And the King, moving as one moves in
an evil dream, facing a horror only half
understood, went to the gates of the
city, and called upon the dragon to cease
its poison for a time since he would talk
with it. And he asked of it why it had
come to torment the people of Selene. But
to that the dragon would answer nothing.
Then said the King: "Our sheep are all
finished, and indeed there is little food
of any kind in Selene. Since this be so,
wilt not thou leave our gates, and return
to thine own place?"
But the dragon, lifting its loathly
head, made answer, by signs and noises:
"I will not return to it. Let me be
granted one child a day for my meal, and
I will not molest the people of Selene."
And it would say no more.
Then the King went back the way he had
come, and he walked heavily, for in his
breast his heart was turned to stone. And
he was filled with one great fear.
Cried the people of Selene: "We care
no longer to live, since our children are
to be taken from us!"
Nevertheless, because the poison from
the dragon was reaching everywhere, so
that none could escape, they promised,
with bitter weeping, to offer up one
child a day, hoping that the dragon would
return to its home ere all the children
were devoured.
And every day lots were cast. And upon
whom fell the lot, a child of his was
delivered to the dragon. And any child
was sacrificed who was not yet fifteen
years of age. The Princess Cleodolinda
was aged fourteen. Every day her eyes
were dim with tears for the child who was
that day sacrificed. But her father, the
King, never wept. His eyes were dry, and
his face pale. For his heart contained
but one fear.
Then came a day when the lot fell upon
the Princess Cleodolinda, and she must be
delivered to the dragon.
The King's fear was fulfilled, yet he
could not weep. And flinging out his
hands he cried: "The Princess shall not
be sacrificed! I will yield to ye
everything, my wealth, my possessions,
myself--but not my daughter."
But the people replied, yet without
anger: "Have not we yielded our children,
whom we loved; and shalt thou do less
than we, 0 King ?"And the King could not
answer. But after a while he said: "Ye
will grant to me eight days to mourn for
her, and to learn by heart her beauty,
for I have loved her passing well." The
people replied: "We will sacrifice our
own children for eight days."
Thus for eight days the King mourned
his daughter Cleodolinda, whom he loved
beyond aught else in the world; and the
people mourned with him, for she was well
beloved. But the Princess would not weep.
For she said: "I am ashamed to weep for
myself, I who am a King's daughter; and I
die gladly for the people of Selene."
When the eight days were over, women
clad the Princess in white garments, and
she was placed outside the city wall to
await the coming of the dragon. Then, to
still her heart's loud beating, she
crossed her hands upon her breast; and to
keep her eyes from wavering, she bent
them upon the ground; and she thought of
the people of Selene, for whom she was to
Now she had been standing thus but a
short time, when she heard upon the
ground the noise of a horse's hoofs, and
looked up to see who it was that
approached so near to the city of Selene.
And, having looked, her heart was filled
with fear, for she beheld a knight of a
fairer presence than any she had seen,
and of a wondrous gentleness; and she
perceived that he knew not of the dragon.
This knight was a soldier of the
Emperor Diocletian, one who had risen to
high honour in the army, and who was
passing through Libya to join his men.
When he perceived the Princess, standing
pale and trembling outside the walls of
the city, he paused on his way, to ask
what was her distress.
But the Princess, in a great
agitation, replied: "Ah, sir, do not wait
to question me, but press on thy way! For
know, in yon marshes lurks a fearful
dragon who has been the death of many a
noble knight. Press on, I beseech thee,
ere it issue from its lair." But the
knight replied: "I cannot press on and
leave thee unprotected against the
And at that moment the dragon
bestirred itself, and began to crawl from
its hiding-place.
"Alas," cried Cleodolinda, "the dragon
is upon us! I beseech thee, Sir Knight,
leave me before it be too late!"
But the knight, turning him about,
bade her remain where she was, and went
out to meet the dragon.
When it observed him approach, the
beast was struck with amazement, and,
having paused for but a moment, it ran
toward the knight with a great swiftness,
and beating its dark wings upon the
ground as it ran.
When it drew near to him, it puffed
out from its nostrils a smoke so dense
that the knight was enveloped in it as in
a cloud; and darted hot flames from its
eyes. Rearing its horrid body, it beat
against the knight, dealing him fearful
blows; but he, bending, thrust his spear
against it, and caught the blows upon his
And having cast all his strength into
it, he dealt the dragon a deadly thrust;
but the spear glanced aside, for the
scales of the beast were like steel
plates, and withstood the blow. Then the
dragon, infuriated by the thrust, lashed
itself against the knight and his horse,
and threw out a vapour deadlier than
before, and cast lightnings upon him from
its eyes. And it writhed, an evil thing,
about him, so that one would have said he
must have been crushed; and wherever he
thrust at it, that part was as if it had
been clad in mail.
The fight lasted a long time, and the
knight grew weary, though he fought with
as great an ardour as at first. Through
the deadly fumes that issued from the
dragon the Princess could see his face
shine out, and she saw that it was pale,
yet lighted up by some radiance that
shone from within. As he thrust at the
dragon, this radiance grew greater, so
that at last it was like the light of the
But the dragon looped itself about the
knight, and its poison was heavy upon
him, so that to breathe was almost more
pain than he could bear. Then he
perceived that, no matter how the dragon
writhed, it sought always to protect one
place in its body--that place which lay
beneath its left wing. And, nerving
himself for a great blow, the knight bent
himself downward, and thrust his spear
with a turn into that place.
So great was the strength required for
the thrust that the knight left the spear
in the wound for weariness; and as he
raised himself he felt the dragon's clasp
upon him loosen. Then the smoke ceased to
belch from its nostrils, and the great
beast fell to the ground.
Perceiving that the dragon was now
helpless, though not dead, the knight
called joyfully to the Princess; and he
bade her that she should loosen her
girdle, and give it to him. When this was
done, the knight bound it about the neck
of the dragon, and gave the girdle-ends
into the hand of the Princess that she
might lead the dragon toward the city.
Thereafter, when they had reached the
city gates, these were opened to them
with great joy by the people of Selene,
who had watched from the city this great
fight; and all were astonished to behold
the loathsome dragon so guided by the
Princess. With his sword, and in the
presence of all people, the knight
despatched the dragon; and when this was
done, he would have gone on his way.
But the King said: "What shall be
given to this brave knight, who hath so
rid us of our enemy, and hath restored to
us the Princess Cleodolinda, and saved
our children?" And the people cried of
honours, and wealth, that should be given
to the knight. But he, when all had
finished, thus replied: "I desire only
that ye believe in the God who
strengthened my hand to gain this
victory, and be baptised."
And when he had baptised the city into
the Christian faith, he went on his way.
- Look for the
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