Thomas the Apostle, December 21st
Thomas was
also called "The Twin ."
After Jesus' friend
Lazarus died, Jesus decided to go to him
and bring him back to life. It was
a dangerous trip, because it would bring
Jesus near some of his enemies.
Thomas was very brave. He told the
other apostles that they should all go
with Jesus and face the danger together,
even if they might die.
At the Last Supper,
Jesus told the disciples he would prepare
a place for them in heaven. Thomas
asked Jesus how the disciples could know
where he was going, and how they would
find the way without getting lost.
Jesus answered: "I am the way, the truth
and the life; no one comes to the Father
but by me." (John 14:1-6)
Thomas was not with
the other apostles on Easter when Jesus
came to them. When the other
apostles told Thomas that Jesus was alive
again, Thomas said he would have to see
the marks of the nails in Jesus' hands
and touch the wound in his side before he
could believe that it was really Jesus.
Because of this story, Thomas is often
called "Doubting Thomas."
Eight days later,
Jesus came to the disciples again.
He told Thomas to look at his hands and
to feel his wound and to believe.
Thomas believed. He said to Jesus,
"My Lord and my God!" Jesus told
Thomas that he believed because he could
see him, but people who could believe in
him without seeing, were blessed.
- Look for the
stained glass window of Thomas in our
- Print a picture
of the
Thomas Window that you
can color.
- What do you
believe in that you cannot see?
- Choose a
picture from St. George's online
coloring book.
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